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MEet meagan
Hi! I’m Meagan, a southern girl at heart with a love for sweet tea, my family, & Jesus. Oh, & of course, BAKING. I live in Oklahoma with my hubby, Skyler Hobbs, my number one fan! When it’s 9 pm & dozens of un-iced cookies are staring back at me.. he whispers 4 of my favorite words.. “I brought you Chic-fil-A!” He truly keeps this one woman show running smoothly.
When I am not in the kitchen, you can find me binge watching The Real Housewives of.. anywhere (I love them all), googling our next travel destination, or simply driving around with my honey (There’s not much to do in Oklahoma okay). We are currently building our first home & I can’t wait to fill it with puppies & babies! (My husband still needs a little persuading.. I’ll keep you updated).
Back to cookies! So how did all this get started? I am un-officially diagnosed with a disease called endometriosis, which basically just means I deal with chronic pain. I needed a way to work from home & around some of those not so fun days. I was sitting at a friend’s house when I saw the most beautiful cookies.. and I thought.. I think I can do that! So, I spent an entire month binge watching cookie tutorials, reading blogs, & gathering as much info as I could before I even whipped up my first batch (the perfectionist in me). Finally, I was ready to do this thing! I made my very first iced cookies in January of 2018, and haven’t stopped since!